Child support is crucial after a divorce that involves children. The Bureau of Child Support Enforcement helps parents collect monthly child support payments in Pennsylvania to ensure kids' needs are met. However, in some instances, a parent may need to increase or...
Family Law
Mistakes to avoid if you are ready to remarry
Most people who divorce will remarry – many will do so within five years. Remarriage can be wonderful, but can also present opportunities to make the same mistakes or run into the same problems that contributed to the end of your previous marriage. Here are some steps...
Termination of parental rights: What every parent should know
Termination of parental rights is not something that any person should take lightly, whether you are a parent facing involuntary termination or someone requesting termination for the purposes of adoption. It changes people's lives, and there are some important things...
Tips to resolve co-parenting conflicts cooperatively
Disputes can arise when parents are raising a child together but separately. And while these issues can be emotional and complicated, you can lean on some of the skills you might teach kids when it comes to resolving conflicts. Use your words Communication is a...
When can I request child support modification in Pennsylvania?
Complying with court orders is a crucial responsibility for parents after divorce. This includes your child support orders. However, over time, circumstances change. And these changes can make existing orders insufficient or impossible to keep up with. In these...
Understanding collaborative divorce in Pennsylvania
People typically do not think of divorce as a cooperative process. They imagine courtroom battles and spouses fighting against each other. However, most divorces involve less combative dispute resolution methods. One such option is a collaborative divorce. What a...
The pandemic, pets and divorce
According to the ASPCA, millions of people adopted pets during the pandemic. Unfortunately, many of these same people saw their marriages come to an end during this same time. As such, if you are divorcing, one of the issues you may well need to resolve will be which...
Think twice before saying these 4 things during your divorce
Words matter when it comes to family legal disputes. However, it’s not just the words that courts, lawyers or mediators consider that can affect the outcome of matters like divorce. The things that divorcing spouses say can have a dramatic impact on the outcome of...
5 benefits to mediating your divorce
People often imagine divorce as a battle in the courtroom with two angry spouses trying to win. Understandably, these impressions can make people fearful of the process, defensive and willing to do whatever they can to avoid "losing." Thankfully, this is not how a...
Tips for resolving child custody conflicts this holiday season
The holidays are stressful for parents who share child custody - particularly this year, as families also must work around school restrictions, adjusted work schedules and other upsetting situations. If this sounds like what you expect to experience in the coming...