Credit cards can cause debt problems when people do not use them responsibly. This is especially true because the high interest rates can massively increase debt when it is not paid off on time. So, should you consider getting a new credit card if you just filed for...
Month: May 2018
Man claims he was sober during deadly wreck
A man in Pennsylvania was driving his car, with his girlfriend riding along, when he lost control of the vehicle and slammed into a tree. His girlfriend died in the wreck. Reports claim he may have been driving around 76 miles per hour. The 41-year-old woman passed...
Parents who serve alcohol share alcohol risks
Texas authorities have charged four people for their part in serving alcohol to a 20-year-old who killed a mother and her infant after drinking at a bar, according to ABC 13 Eyewitness News. It is illegal in Texas to provide alcohol to anyone under age 21. The...
What is a power of attorney and why do I need one?
For many people, it is just as scary, if not scarier, to think about being powerless to make decisions on one's own as it is to think about no longer being around. No one wants to feel helpless and have others looking after them at all times. But as important as it is...
3 things to know about child custody in Texas
If you are going through a divorce and you have children, then child custody is likely to take center stage as part of your divorce negotiations or litigation. Depending on whether your divorce is relatively amicable or hostile, child custody can become a complicated...
Do I have to a take a sobriety test?
Getting pulled over by the police is usually one of life’s most stressful moments. Even if it’s just for a broken taillight, seeing the flashing red and blue lights in your rearview mirror can still cause your adrenaline and heart rate to spike. What about if the stop...
What Is a Home Study?
Adoption can be a long and arduous process for parents in Texas. The home study is one particularly stressful component that involves assessing prospective parents’ ability to properly raise a child and ensuring that the living conditions are conducive to a healthy...