Estate planning allows you to help ensure that your affairs are always current. Routinely reviewing and updating your estate planning lets you confirm that you agree with the instructions you have outlined for beneficiaries. You might wonder if you should loop family...
Year: 2024
Most car accidents are caused by human error
It’s true that individual car accidents happen for many different reasons. Common causes include distracted driving, drunk driving, aggressive passing, speeding and more. External factors, such as poor visibility or slick roads due to weather conditions, can also play...
When is the use of deadly force legal in Pennsylvania?
Whether you face an imminent threat or want to be prepared, knowing when deadly force is legal can empower you to protect yourself and your loved ones while staying within legal boundaries. In Pennsylvania, self-defense laws clearly outline when you may use deadly...
Estate planning strategies to keep your estate out of probate
Your assets do not have to go through probate - the often lengthy, costly and stressful court-supervised process of settling an estate. Avoiding it can ease the handling of your estate and reduce the risk of issues like executor misconduct or disputes among loved...
Should you file a Chapter 7, 13 or 11 bankruptcy petition?
Deciding whether to file a Chapter 7, Chapter 13 or Chapter 11 bankruptcy petition isn’t always a straightforward task. The best choice for you and your family and/or business will depend on your financial situation, the type of debt you have and your long-term...
Understanding plea deals: The pros and cons
A plea deal is an agreement between you and the prosecution to resolve your criminal case without going to trial. It may involve pleading guilty to lesser charges or accepting a lighter sentence in exchange for an admission of guilt, thereby waiving your right to a...
The elements of negligence: 4 key factors
Car crashes can have devastating consequences, including serious injuries and even fatalities. There are also financial consequences. Victims are often left with medical expenses and they may have to be absent from work for sustained periods while they recover. While...
The long-term costs of a spinal cord injury
If you suffer from a spinal cord injury, you must think about the long-term impact when calculating the financial damages. You may have been injured due to someone else’s negligence, such as if you suffered a spinal cord injury in a car accident that they caused. You...
Is your home at risk of foreclosure?
When debt starts to become unmanageable, it can take a shockingly short amount of time for every asset that a family depends on to be placed in jeopardy. From a family car to a family’s residence, debt-related financial obligations can overwhelm budgets and risk the...
What happens if I don’t file a personal injury claim in time?
In Pennsylvania, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim is generally two years from the date of the injury. This time limit is crucial because it determines how long you have to take legal action after an accident or injury. If you fail to file...