A tradition of trust

The different types of wills and testaments

On Behalf of | Nov 10, 2017 | Estate Planning, Firm News

There are many different types of wills and testaments, and many of which will be applicable in one state but not in another. For example, in some states, holographic wills are not considered valid, but in other states, they are perfectly legitimate forms of last wishes. The following are the most common forms of wills and testaments.

Olographic or holographic wills

Wills that are handwritten or written using a typewriter are called holographic or olographic wills. Pennsylvania does accept holographic wills; however states such as Minnesota and Ohio do not recognize them. It is usually a better idea to have a formal, typed will to avoid any confusion that could occur from a handwritten will.

Nuncupative wills

Nuncupative wills are those that have only been communicated orally. These are most common when a person has been seriously injured and does not have a long time left to live. He or she will therefore communicate one’s wishes to loved ones. Some states say that two or more witnesses should be present, others say that the wishes must be written down as soon as possible. These types of wills are not valid in Pennsylvania.

A pour over will

This type of will is something that is administered as part of a trust. It is a will that declares that all previously written wills should be ignored, and that all assets should be put into the trust that has been created.

The many different types of wills can often seem overwhelming. But by conducting adequate research, you will be able to find the will that best suits your wishes that you have for your heirs.

If you are interested in learning more, contact one of the Quinn Law Firm‘s Estate Planning attorneys at 814-806-2518.  We can assist with all Estate and Trust Planning documents including wills, living wills and powers of attorney.

Source: The Balance, “What Are the Different Types of Last Will and Testaments?” accessed Nov. 03, 2017


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