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Defective toys can ruin more than your holidays

On Behalf of | Jan 6, 2021 | Personal Injury

Every child looks forward to opening gifts – especially when there is a new toy to play with inside. And parents do their best to make sure they are giving their child something fun and safe. However, this does not always happen.

Toys are among the products that are common subjects of recalls due to defects. And if your child suffers an injury because of a defective toy, there could be significant consequences.

How much damage could a defective toy cause?

The answer here is a lot. When a toy is defective in the way it is designed, manufactured or sold, a child or infant could suffer:

  • Burns, including electrical or thermal
  • Choking
  • Lacerations
  • Poisoning
  • Crushing injuries
  • Brain Trauma
  • Broken bones

In some situations, these injuries can be life-threatening. In the worst cases, they can be fatal. But even in cases of minor or treatable injuries, the damage can linger long after an incident. This type of experience can leave a child with scars and emotional distress.

Protecting your child

If a toy is dangerous or defective and hurts your child, it can be critical to act right away. First and foremost, you can seek medical attention. You can also notify the manufacturer or seller of the product. Further, you might consult an attorney to explore the legal remedies that may be available by filing a product liability lawsuit against the party responsible for the defect.

Of course, we cannot always tell a toy is defective unless it is an obvious hazard or companies issue a recall. You can keep track of current toy recalls on websites like this one from Safe Kids Worldwide

Parents can also protect their children by repairing or getting rid of broken toys, and purchasing toys from a reputable party can also be wise. 

No child should get injured by something meant to be fun. If this happens to you or your child, you can call 814-806-2518 to discuss your legal options with the attorneys at The Quinn Law Firm.


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