A tradition of trust

Tips for discussing a prenup before remarrying

On Behalf of | Apr 14, 2020 | Family Law

People often do things a little differently the second time they get married. They may have a smaller wedding, for instance, or decide to elope.

People who are remarrying might approach marriage itself differently the second time around, as well. One thing many people consider in this situation is a prenuptial agreement. Whether you’ve had one before or not, a prenup can be worth discussing if you are remarrying. Below are some tips on how to do this.

Have a game plan

It can help to have some guidelines for this type of discussion. Without a plan, conversations can get derailed, and arguments could potentially arise.

Therefore, consider having a rough outline of what you want to discuss. You might start with an explanation of why you think a prenup can be wise and then detail the assets or goals you want to address in a prenup. Giving a little structure to the conversation can keep things moving forward and help both parties feel more comfortable.

Take your time

It can be jarring to spring the idea of a prenup on someone. To avoid this, take your time with the conversation. Don’t bring it up during a stressful event or as you’re walking out the door to dinner. You want to have time to share your thoughts, negotiate terms and discuss any proposed agreement with an attorney.

Ask questions

A discussion about a prenup should involve some give and take. You might have a lot of thoughts on the topic and expectations, but your partner likely has some input, as well.

Therefore, you should ask each other about intentions, property details or marital expectations. When it comes to legal questions, don’t be afraid to talk to your attorneys. Asking questions allows you to understand your options and what you are agreeing to if you should sign a prenup.

Prenuptial agreements are legal contracts, and it is critical to take them seriously. You can call the Quinn Law Firm at 814-806-2518 to discuss creating, enforcing or contesting prenups.


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