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How can child custody disputes become less contentious?

On Behalf of | Nov 27, 2018 | Family Law, Firm News

No one gets married thinking about the possibility of having to fight with a spouse over more than interior decoration or control of the television. But if a separation leads to divorce, spouses may find themselves doing little other than fighting.

This is bad news for the most vulnerable people during a divorce: a couple’s children.

How are child custody rulings made in Pennsylvania?

The most important part of a judge’s or mediator’s decision regarding child care during or after divorce is the wellbeing of the child or children. If parents cannot agree on how to achieve this, the court will make its best effort to do so.

How are a child’s best interests determined?

The factors that help figure in best interests include closeness to family members, the location of possible residences and the mental and physical health of each parent or other claimant to custody rights. The child’s wishes are also considered if they can be accommodated by a custody arrangement.

Are there alternatives to court in order to solve disputes?

Mediation is fast becoming a popular alternative to expensive, time-consuming and demoralizing litigation. Collaborative law is an option that contains less of an adversarial nature for parties to a dispute than traditional family court settings.

Is a lawyer required during child custody disputes?

It is not legally required but it is considered highly recommended for parties to maintain legal representation during a child custody hearing or negotiation. An attorney can help blaze paths to preferable conclusions to problems between parents, children and other relatives trying to create a new life for the future.

To learn more about mediation, collaborative law and your child custody options, contact a family law attorney at the Quinn Law Firm at 814-806-2518.


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