A tradition of trust

Pennsylvania joins other states using collaborative law

On Behalf of | Sep 18, 2018 | Family Law, Firm News

Anyone who has been through a divorce can testify that it’s one of life’s most difficult challenges. Spouses can end up in bitter disputes even when their feelings remain cordial if not romantic. Parents can get so wrapped up in trying to start a new life that it’s easy to forget the most vulnerable victims of the end of a marriage.

Child custody can become the most serious issue in divorce proceedings, as everyone involved will have strong feelings about it. Standard family law usually sees these decisions made by a judge considering the best interests of children. Pennsylvania has just received a new way to solve this and many other problems posed by divorce.

Collaborative law is a relatively new approach to dispute resolution that avoids courtrooms altogether. Each party is represented by counsel with the usual goal of securing their clients’ interest and the added goal of negotiating to avoid a dispute in front of a judge.

Counsel are especially motivated because they must be replaced by their clients if they cannot arrive at a resolution. The alternative can save time and money over a courtroom divorce. Most U.S. states and several countries practice collaborative law, and now recent legislation is bringing the option to Pennsylvania.

Parents looking to use collaborative law or conventional approaches in family court are advised to seek an attorney for the experience. A lawyer can help guide spouses through the process of divorce, child custody claims, child support collection and more.   To speak with a collaborative law attorney or for more information on other domestic law issues, please contact the Quinn Law Firm at 814-806-2518.


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